


Connection information for establishing the HTTP link with the IRC. Note that the example values shown in the table below for port, username, and password are the default settings on an IRC.

Name Type Description
hostname STRING[80] Hostname of the IRC server. EX: ‘’
port UINT Port number on the IRC server. EX: 80
username STRING[80] IRC username. EX: ‘Default User’
password STRING[80] IRC password. EX: ‘robotics’



Used to describe the data type for the RAPID symbol to be handled. The user is responsible for explicitly defining this, because RWS does not provide the data type information via HTTP.

  • A3BR_VAR_TYPE_INT - This corresponds to the INT datatype on the PLC, and the ’num’ datatype on the IRC
  • A3BR_VAR_TYPE_STRING - This corresponds to the STRING datatype on the PLC, and the ‘string’ datatype on the IRC


RAPID execution state on the IRC.

  • A3BR_RAPID_EXEC_ST_UNDEFINED - Invalid state (used to indicate that this PV has not yet been populated with valid data)
  • A3BR_RAPID_EXEC_ST_RUNNING - ABB constant ‘running’: A RAPID program is currently running
  • A3BR_RAPID_EXEC_ST_STOPPED - ABB constant ‘stopped’: No RAPID program execution currently


RAPID cycle state on the IRC.

  • A3BR_RAPID_CYCLE_ST_UNDEFINED - Invalid state (used to indicate that this PV has not yet been populated with valid data)
  • A3BR_RAPID_CYCLE_ST_FOREVER - ABB constant “forever”: this repeats the program forever
  • A3BR_RAPID_CYCLE_ST_ASIS - ABB constant “asis”: this keeps the current cycle state on the IRC
  • A3BR_RAPID_CYCLE_ST_ONCE - ABB constant “once”: this runs the program a single time
  • A3BR_RAPID_CYCLE_ST_ONCEDONE - ABB constant “oncedone”: this value is currently not supported


IRC controller state.

  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_UNDEFINED - Invalid state (used to indicate that this PV has not yet been populated with valid data)
  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_INIT - ABB constant “init”: The robot is starting up. It will shift to state motors off when it has started
  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_ON - ABB constant “motoron”: The robot is ready to move, either by jogging or by running programs
  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_OFF - ABB constant “motoroff”: The robot is in a standby state where there is no power to the robot’s motors. The state has to be shifted to motors on before the robot can move
  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_GUARDSTOP - ABB constant “guardstop”: The robot is stopped because the safety runchain is opened. For instance, a door to the robot’s cell might be open
  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_ESTOP - ABB constant “emergencystop”: The robot is stopped because emergency stop was activated
  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_ESTOP_RESET - ABB constant “emergencystopreset”: The robot is ready to leave emergency stop state. The emergency stop is no longer activated, but the state transition isn’t yet confirmed
  • A3BR_CTRL_ST_SYS_FAIL - ABB constant “sysfail”: The robot is in a system failure state. Restart required


IRC controller operation mode.

  • A3BR_OP_MODE_UNDEFINED - ABB constant “UNDEF”: Undefined
  • A3BR_OP_MODE_INIT - ABB constant “INIT”: State init
  • A3BR_OP_MODE_AUTO_CHANGE_REQ - ABB constant “AUTO_CH”: State change request for automatic mode
  • A3BR_OP_MODE_MANUAL_CHANGE_REQ - ABB constant “MANF_CH”: State change request for manual mode & full speed
  • A3BR_OP_MODE_MANUAL_LOW_SPEED - ABB constant “MANR”: State manual mode & reduced speed
  • A3BR_OP_MODE_MANUAL_FULL_SPEED - ABB constant “MANF”: State manual mode & full speed
  • A3BR_OP_MODE_AUTO - ABB constant “AUTO”: State automatic mode


The following error codes can occur in this library. TODO (Errors in libraries: AsHTTP, Jsmn, StringExt, RingBufLib can also be thrown)

  • 56000 - A3BR_ERR_INVALID_IDENT - The ident input to this block is invalid
  • 56001 - A3BR_ERR_AUTH_TIMEOUT - Timeout while waiting to receive an authentication response from the server
  • 56002 - A3BR_ERR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Timeout while waiting to receive a response from the server
  • 56003 - A3BR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR - An HTTP error has occurred
  • 56004 - A3BR_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_SIGNALS - At least one signal must be specified (i.e. numSignals must be greater than zero)
  • 56005 - A3BR_ERR_INVALID_CYCLE - The cycle input must be FOREVER, ASIS, or ONCE
  • 56006 - A3BR_ERR_INVALID_NAME - An input name is invalid (i.e. must not be empty). This can apply to pProgramName, pTaskName, or pModuleName
  • 56007 - A3BR_ERR_INVALID_DATA_ADDRESS - The pData input must be greater than zero
  • 56008 - A3BR_ERR_DATA_SIZE - The szData input must be greater than zero



Used Internally. This is the maximum array index for the number of parameters that can be appended to one HTTP request

UINT := 19;


Required string length for the names of the IO points.

UINT := 80;


Required string length for the names of the RAPID data symbols.

UINT := 80;


Used Internally.


Used Internally.