
SafeRemote Library

The SafeRemote library provides an interface to commission / update safety systems.

NOTE: SafeRemote only supports Safety Release 1.10 or later.

NOTE: If SafeRemote is connected to Safety Controller (SC) connection, use of SAFE DESIGNER’s Remote Control is not allowed.


In order to use SafeRemote a variable of type SRWrap_typ must be declared.

safeRemote.IN.CFG.SafeLogicID:=	4; 			// The SafeLogic ID
safeRemote.IN.CFG.FileDevice:=	'safe'; 	// Enter File Device where safety program is located

IN.CFG.UDID_Low and IN.CFG.UDID_High will need to be mapped to the SC UDID_Log and UDID_High inputs respectively. If SC does not have the inputs available they can be accessed using ASIOAcc’s AsIOAccRead FUB.

deviceName:=				'IF6.ST1';
channelNameLow:=			'UDID_low';
channelNameHigh:=			'UDID_high';

IOReadLow.pChannelName:=	ADR(channelNameLow);
IOReadLow.pDeviceName:=		ADR(deviceName);
IOReadLow.enable:=			TRUE;

IOReadHigh.pChannelName:=	ADR(channelNameHigh);
IOReadHigh.pDeviceName:=	ADR(deviceName);
IOReadHigh.enable:=			TRUE;

IF NOT (IOReadLow.value = 0) THEN
	safeRemote.IN.CFG.UDID_Low:=	IOReadLow.value;
	IOReadLow.enable:=	FALSE;

IF NOT (IOReadHigh.value = 0) THEN
	safeRemote.IN.CFG.UDID_High:=	UDINT_TO_UINT(IOReadHigh.value);
	IOReadHigh.enable:=	FALSE;


Cyclic Operation

SafeRemoteFn_Cyclic( safeRemote );

SafeRemote Structure



Commands are reset internally after each function call.

  • LogIn - Attempt log into SC using Password specified in parameters
  • LogOut - Log out of SC and stop communication.
  • SetPassword - Sets SC password to NewPassword in parameters. If a password is already set Password is required.
  • Transfer - Starts transfer project transfer to SC.
  • Unlock - Unlock SC to continue transfer.
  • FormatSafeKey - Performs a format on SC.
  • Scan - Starts a system scan of SC.
  • ReadStatus - Read status of SC.
  • AcknowledgeKey - Attempt ACK of Safe Key change.
  • Acknowledge1Module - Attempt ACK of 1 Module change.
  • Acknowledge2Module - Attempt ACK of 2 Module changes.
  • Acknowledge3Module - Attempt ACK of 3 Module changes.
  • AcknowledgeNModule - Attempt ACK of N Modules changes.
  • AcknowledgeFirmware - Attempt ACK of Firmware change.
  • AcknowledgeError - Acknowledges FUB error.


  • Password - SC password. Required when doing a LogIn or SetPassword.
  • NewPassword - SC password to be set. Required when doing a SetPassword.
  • TransferMode - Specifies whether to transfer application from File or AppID
  • AppID - App ID # when performing a transfer in SRWrap_Data_Object_Mode.
  • File - File name when performing a transfer in SRWrap_File_Mode.


  • SafeLogicID - SafeLOGIC ID of safety controller.
  • UDID_Low - SC UDID_low (Set view io mapping or ASIOAcc library).
  • UDID_High - SC UDID_high (Set view io mapping or ASIOAcc library).
  • FileDevice - File device for File.


  • ControlStatus - SC status. Only valid when logged into SC. Refer to RemoteControlStatusTypeV2 in BR help.
  • StatusString - FUB status string.
  • AckKeyNeeded - Acknowledge of Safety Key is required.
  • AckModuleNeeded - Acknowledge of Modules required.
  • AckNModuleNeeded - Acknowledge of N number of Modules required.
  • NumAckModulesNeeded - Number of Modules that have changed.
  • AckFirmwareNeeded - Acknowledge of Safety Firmware is required.
  • PasswordSet - SC password is set.
  • ConnectionStatus - Connection Status. Refer to SRWrap_Connection_Status_enum.
  • UnlockRequired - Unlock required to continue.
  • Error - FUB error occured.
  • ErrorID - Current error ID.
  • ErrorString - Current error text information.

Error ID Numbers

  • 0 - ERR\_OK - No error
  • 20605 - doERR\_ILLOBJECT - Object NOT found
  • 20609 - doERR\_MODULNOTFOUND - Data object NOT found
  • 20700 - fiERR\_INVALID\_PATH - The specified path is invalid
  • 20798 - fiERR\_DEVICE\_MANAGER - Error in device manager
  • 36100 - safeERR\_VERSION - Incorrect version OF command structure
  • 36101 - safeERR\_PW_LENGTH - Incorrect password length
  • 36102 - safeERR_UDID - No UDID specified FOR safety controller
  • 36103 - safeERR_ALLOC_MEM - Error allocating internal memory
  • 36104 - safeERR_INTERNAL_ERROR - Internal error
  • 36105 - safeERR_TIMEOUT - Communication timeout
  • 36106 - safeERR_RC_CMD - No command specified
  • 36107 - safeERR_RC_ENTER_DATA - Invalid command specified FOR Enter command
  • 36108 - safeERR_RC_ENTER_PW - No password specified FOR Enter command
  • 36109 - safeERR_RC_ENTER_SK_PW - No new password specified FOR change
  • 36110 - safeERR_RC_STATUS_DATA - Invalid command FOR reading back status
  • 36111 - safeERR_RC_DATA_LENGTH - Incorrect data length FOR status information returned BY system
  • 36112 - safeERR_DL_NO_PASSWORD - No password specified FOR download
  • 36113 - safeERR_DL_PROTOCOL - Incorrect protocol version OR header error
  • 36114 - safeERR_DL_FILE_OPEN - File already open
  • 36115 - safeERR_DL_FILE_INVALID - File invalid
  • 36116 - safeERR_DL_FILE_TOO_BIG - File too large
  • 36117 - safeERR_DL_WRITE - Write error
  • 36118 - safeERR_DL_STREAM - Error at end OF stream
  • 36119 - safeERR_DL_CHECKSUM - Incorrect checksum
  • 36120 - safeERR_DL_UDID - Mismatch OF specified UDID with UDID OF safety controller
  • 36121 - safeERR_DL_WRONG FILE_SIZE - Incorrect file size
  • 36122 - safeERR_DL_NO_RIGHTS_TO_WRITE - No authorization TO write, incorrect password
  • 36123 - safeERR_DL_UNLOCK_FILE_FILE - Error retrieving file information
  • 36124 - safeERR_DL_UNLOCK_READ - Read error
  • 36125 - safeERR_DL_UNLOCK_WRITE - Write error
  • 36126 - safeERR_DL_STATIC_UNLOCK - Constant signal TRUE on parameter in command structure
  • 36127 - safeERR_DL_COMPARE_FAILED - Comparison failed FOR read back data
  • 36128 - safeERR_DLDATA_TYP_ERR - Unknown OR invalid download type
  • 36129 - safeERR_DLDATA_ERR_DATA - Incorrect data specified FOR download
  • 36130 - safeERR_COT_TYPE_ERR - Unknown OR invalid upload type
  • 36131 - safeERR_COT_READING_FILE - Error reading from file
  • 36132 - safeERR_BUFFER_NULL - Required input buffer is NULL
  • 36133 - safeERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - Required input buffer too small
  • 36134 - safeERR_FILE_EMPTY - File empty OR NOT found on safety controller
  • 36135 - safeERR_FI_TYPE_ERR - Error retrieving file information
  • 36136 - safeERR_SLINFO_TYPE_ERR - Unknown OR invalid SafeLOGIC information
  • 36137 - safeERR_SLINFO_RET_ERR - Remote control command returning error
  • 36138 - safeERR_COT_PWD_ERR - Invalid password
  • 36180 - safeERR_TC_INV_TABTYPE - Table type NOT supported
  • 36181 - safeERR_TC_INV_INST - Invalid table instance
  • 36182 - Invalid pointer - Null pointer specified
  • 36183 - safeERR_TC_INV_TAB_LEN - Number OF table entries is 0 OR unable TO determine table length (e.g. table type NOT supported)
  • 36184 - safeERR_TC_INV_USER - Username longer than 47 bytes plus string terminator
  • 36185 - safeERR_TC_TYPE_CPY_FCT - Table type dependent copy FUNCTION returning error
  • 36186 - safeERR_TC_CHECK_FAILED - Type-dependent table check failed
  • 36187 - safeERR_TC_EXTRACT_FAILED - Unable TO export HMI application data from the generated raw table data
  • 36188 - safeERR_TC_LOCK_FAILED - Tables CRC protection returned error
  • 36189 - safeERR_TC_ACK_SET - Input “AckData” was set although this is NOT permitted
  • 36190 - safeERR_TC_INVALID_STEP - The step switching mechanism OF the FUNCTION block is in an invalid step
  • 36191 - safeWRN_TC_WAIT_FOR_ACK - The FUNCTION block is waiting FOR HMI application data TO be acknowledged
  • 65535 - ERR_FUB_BUSY - FUNCTION block still working