
Message Box

This example, using the C code below, shows what a Message box will look like on an HMI.


void _INIT ProgramInit(void)
	dataLossMessage.Buttons[0].pText = &"RESET DataValid";
	dataLossMessage.Buttons[0].pText = &resetDataValidCmd;
	dataLossMessage.Buttons[1].pText = &"Reboot";
	dataLossMessage.Buttons[1].pCmd = &RebootCmd;
	dataLossMessage.Prompt.pText = &"Download may have caused data loss. Please reboot to reload. If this was first boot after download, 
    you may reset datavalid and maintain data";

void _CYCLIC ProgramCyclic(void)
    // This will add the data to the message box instance
    dataLossMessage.MessageID = MessageBox_AddMsg(dataLossMessage.Prompt.pText, dataLossMessage.Buttons[0].pText, dataLossMessage.Buttons[0].pText,dataLossMessage.Buttons[1].pText, dataLossMessage.Buttons[1].pCmd);

    // This will add the new message to the queue. This should always be called cyclically

Prompt Box

This example, using the code below in structured text, shows what a Prompt box will look like on an HMI.


void _INIT ProgramInit(void)

void _CYCLIC ProgramCyclic(void)
    // This will add the data to the message box instance using the parameters directly
    customPromptID := PromptBox_AddMsg(ADR('Custom Prompt with input'),ADR(InputString),ADR('Custom OK'),ADR(OK),
    ADR('Custom Cancel'),ADR(Cancel));

    // This will add the new message to the queue. This should always be called cyclically