Core Concepts

Pages, Libraries, and Tmplits

Pages - These define HMI content using a collection of Partials. Pages are referenced by their name declared in tmplits.json. They can be broken up however you like, but typically some define the high level layout, while others define specific regions of those layouts.

Libraries - Like Pages, these define a collection of Partials. The difference is in how they are referenced: Partials within a Library are referenced by their script ID. Partials defined in Libraries might be custom resuable controls, or a collection of Partials that are commonly used together. They typically take parameters and leverage Handlebars’ templating features.

Tmplits - These are used to create custom controls with parameterized inputs, and benefit from more complex logic. They are implemented with JavaScript functions prefixed with the word Tmplits, followed by the name of the Tmplit. function TmplitMyCustomControl(context, args) can be referenced in a Partial using {{tmplit 'MyCustomControl'}}.