
See Cross System Communication for more usage and full examples.

Working with the ATN core

atninit( )

Initializes the ATN core, and connects to an array of STRINGs where console messages get dumped. This function should be called before any other ATN functions.

Direction Name Type Description
In buff UDINT Pointer to an array of STRING[80]
In bufsize UDINT Total size of the array of STRINGs
Return value UDINT Pointer to the global ATN director

atncyclic( )

Optional interface to the ATN core for processing cyclic console commands. Must be called cyclically.

Direction Name Type Description
In buff UDINT Pointer to a STRING[80] for commands
In bufsize UDINT Size of the command STRING
Return value UDINT Pointer to the global ATN director

The intended use is to pass in a ‘command’ via the buffer, and ATN will output text to the array of STRINGs that were passed in to the atninit function. Think of it like a command line interface to ATN. The simplest command that can be input is ?, and this results in output of the following form in the Console array:


Reading Status

Reading a combined boolean state

Set of functions that return a boolean if any/all registered Active bits are true/false

Direction Name Type Description
In state STRING Identifier string for the state that should be checked
In fallback BOOL Value to return if there is no state registered, or all modules are bypassed
Return value BOOL State logic result (see individual functions below)

stateAllTrue( )

returns true if ALL the registered active bits are true.

stateAllFalse( )

returns true if ALL the registered active bits are false.

stateAnyTrue( )

returns true if ANY the registered active bits are true.

stateAnyFalse( )

returns true if ANY the registered active bits are false.

isInhibited( )

this is a special case of the stateAnyTrue function, and behaves the same way. It has been renamed to improve readability with the inhibit model.

Reading overall state status

Set of functions that populate an array of STRINGs with the status that each module has registered for a particular state in the system. If the state STRING is passed in as “CoolerState”, for example, and there are (3) modules that have registered a status bit to that state, then calling one of the functions below will populate an array of STRINGs with (3) entries, one for each of the registered modules.

Direction Name Type Description
In state STRING Identifier string for the state that should be checked
In buffer Pointer to ARRAY[] OF STRING STRING buffer where state results get dumped
In sBuffer UDINT Size of the buffer
Return value BOOL Current value of the state being checked

stateStatus( )

The STRING array has an entry for every module that registered with this state. Each entry indicates the module name, and the current value of the state (active or inactive). Example string entry: “inactive - Module A”.

stateFalseStatus( )

The STRING array only has entries for registered modules whose state value is currently FALSE. Each entry contains the name of the module alone.

stateTrueStatus( )

The STRING array only has entries for registered modules whose state value is currently TRUE. Each entry contains the name of the module alone.

Reading individual states

Set of iterator functions that return each status that is registered to a state

stateCount( )

Get the number of statuses registered to a state

Direction Name Type Description
In State STRING Identifier string for the state that should be checked
Return Count INT The number of items registered to the State

forState( )

Function to populate the local structure with the state of each item registered to a state. This function is preferred for read only statuses. The user passes in a pointer to a local structure for the function to populate.

The size of the structure is compared to the size of the registered structure before a copy is done. More detailed type checking is up to the user.

Direction Name Type Description
In State STRING Identifier string for the state that should be checked
In indexer INT Index of the item to read
In active Pointer to BOOL Populated with the value of the Active bit of the index item
In pParameters UserType * Pointer to a structure that should be populated with the value of the parameters that are registered
In sParameters UDINT The size of the user defined type to validate the structures before copying data to it
Return valid BOOL Indicates a valid index was input


Using `forState`` to read and consolidate a number of pending alarm counts

    //Reset the local count
	AlarmCount := 0;

    //For loop through the items. Its ok that this is off by one, 
    //  because the forState will return false for invalid items
    //  NOTE: In STRUCTURED TEXT If you do a stateCount() - 1 then with ZERO items, 
    //      it will count backwards.
	FOR item := 0 TO stateCount(gAlarmApi.PendingAlarms) DO

        //Copy the remote data to the local structure if it matches
		IF forState( gAlarmApi.PendingAlarms, item, 0, ADR(count), SIZEOF(count)) THEN

            //Add to the count
			AlarmCount := 	AlarmCount + count;



forStateGetPointer( )

Function to get a pointer to the parameter structure of each item registered to a state. This function is required if the parameters must be written to. The user passes in a pointer to a pointer of user defined type (UserType **) for the function to populate.

The size of the structure is output for the user to check before dereferencing. More detailed type checking is up to the user.

Direction Name Type Description
In State STRING Identifier string for the state that should be checked
In indexer INT Index of the item to read
In active Pointer to BOOL Populated with the value of the Active bit of the index item
In pParameters UserType ** Pointer to a pointer that should be populated with the address of the parameters that are registered
In sParameters Pointer to UDINT A pointer to the size of the user defined type to validate the structures before the user dereferences the pointer
Return valid BOOL Indicates a valid index was input


Using forStateGetPointer to read and consolidate a number of pending alarm counts and reset the local counts

    //Reset the local count
	AlarmCount := 0;

    //For loop through the items. Its ok that this is off by one, 
    //  because the forState will return false for invalid items
    //  NOTE: In STRUCTURED TEXT If you do a stateCount() - 1 then with ZERO items, 
    //      it will count backwards.
	FOR item := 0 TO stateCount(gAlarmApi.PendingAlarms) DO

        //Get a pointer to the remote data
		IF forStateGetPointer( gAlarmApi.PendingAlarms, item, 0, ADR(pCount), ADR(sCount)) THEN
            //Validate the pointer by checking the size matches
            IF countSize = SIZEOF(sCount) THEN

                //Access the remote data
                dCount ACCESS pCount;

                //count the data
    			AlarmCount := 	AlarmCount + dCount;
                //Set the remote variable
                 dCount := 0;



Setting Commands

executeCommand( )

Function that sets the command bool for all items registered to a given command

Direction Name Type Description
In Command STRING Identifier string for the command that should be run
Return valid BOOL Bool that indicates a valid command was found and set

AtnPLCOpen( )

Function Block to execute commands and get feedback from registered systems.

This will set the subscribed bools to true, then check the registered [AtnPlcOpenStatus] from the modules. It will set the plcopen status to ERR_FUB_BUSY on the modules, then check for when they are ERR_OK. Modules returning statuses other than ERR_OK or ERR_FUB_BUSY are considered error’d modules, and the function block will report error and stop checking.

No other action is taken. If follow up action needs to be done, the user must implement this.

Direction Name Type Description
In Command STRING Identifier string for the command that should be run
In Execute BOOL Rising edge of execute will trigger the command to start
In Fallback DINT The value for the status if no modules have registered a PLCOpen status to the command
Out Status DINT The status of the current command. ERR_OK, ERR_FUB_BUSY, ERR_FUB_NOT_ENABLE, User defined ERROR
Out StatusMessage ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING Status messages
Out Busy BOOL The command is currently being executed
Out Done BOOL The command was successfully completed
Out Aborted BOOL The command was aborted on any of the registered modules, either by another AtnPLCOpen Function block, or locally from the module
Out Error BOOL An error was report from one of the modules. See Status for the error number

AtnPLCOpenWithParameters( )

Function Block to execute commands with parameters and get feedback from registered systems.

This will set the subscribed bools to true, then check the registered atnPLCOpenStatus_typ from the modules. It will set the plcopen status to ERR_FUB_BUSY on the modules, then check for when they are ERR_OK. Modules returning statuses other than ERR_OK or ERR_FUB_BUSY are considered error’d modules, and the function block will report error and stop checking.

No other action is taken. If follow up action needs to be done, the user must implement this.

Direction Name Type Description
In Command STRING Identifier string for the command that should be run
In Execute BOOL Rising edge of execute will trigger the command to start
In Fallback DINT The value for the status if no modules have registered a PLCOpen status to the command
In pParameters UserType * Pointer to a structure that can be read using state iterator functions
In sParameters UDINT The size of the user defined type for validation
Out Status DINT The status of the current command. ERR_OK, ERR_FUB_BUSY, ERR_FUB_NOT_ENABLE, User defined ERROR
Out StatusMessage ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING Status messages
Out Busy BOOL The command is currently being executed
Out Done BOOL The command was successfully completed
Out Aborted BOOL The command was aborted on any of the registered modules, either by another AtnPLCOpen Function block, or locally from the module
Out Error BOOL An error was report from one of the modules. See Status for the error number

Subscribing to commands

Simple command

subscribeCommandBool( )

Function to subscribe a boolean that should be set to true when the given command is executed

Direction Name Type Description
In commandName STRING Identifier string for the command to which we are subscribing
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In/Out command BOOL* Bool command to set when the command is executed
Return value UDINT Always returns zero

PLCOpen command/status

subscribePLCOpen( )

Function to subscribe a boolean that should be set to true when the given command is executed, along with a PLCOpen status to check.

Direction Name Type Description
In commandName STRING Identifier string for the state to which we are registering
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In/Out command BOOL* Bool command to set when the command is executed
In/Out status AtnPLCOpenStatus* Interface for PLCOpen status response
Return value UDINT Always returns zero
subscribePLCOpenWithParameters( )

Function to subscribe a boolean that should be set to true when the given command is executed, along with a PLCOpen status to check. It also accepts parameters.

Direction Name Type Description
In commandName STRING Identifier string for the state to which we are registering
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In pParameters UserType * Pointer to a structure that can be read using state iterator functions
In sParameters UDINT The size of the user defined type for validation
In/Out command BOOL* Bool command to set when the command is executed
In/Out status AtnPLCOpenStatus* Interface for PLCOpen status response
Return value UDINT Always returns zero

Registering Status

Simple status

registerStateBool( )

Function to register a boolean status bit to the Active bit of a specific state. Automatically gets the address of the bool in Structured Text.

Direction Name Type Description
In state STRING Identifier string for the state to which we are registering
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In/out value BOOL* Pointer the the boolean value to monitor
Return value UDINT Always returns zero
registerStateBoolAdr( )

Function to registers a boolean status bit to the Active bit of a specific state. Required to register Function block OUTPUT bits as they are readonly.

Direction Name Type Description
In state STRING Identifier string for the state to which we are registering
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In value BOOL* Pointer the the boolean value to monitor
Return value UDINT Always returns zero

Complex status

registerStateParameters( )

Function to register parameters to a state.

Direction Name Type Description
In state STRING Identifier string for the state to which we are registering
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In pParameters UserType * Pointer to a structure that can be read using state iterator functions
In sParameters UDINT The size of the user defined type for validation
Return value UDINT Always returns zero
registerStateExt1( )

Function to register parameters to a state with full api support.

Direction Name Type Description
In state STRING Identifier string for the state to which we are registering
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In pModuleStatus STRING Status of the module
In pParameters UserType * Pointer to a structure that can be read using state iterator functions
In sParameters UDINT The size of the user defined type for validation
In/Out pModuleByPass BOOL Pointer to a bool to bypass the module
In/Out pActive BOOL Pointer to a bool indicating the module is active
Return value UDINT Always returns zero

Working with shared resources

registerToResource( )

Function to request exclusive access to a shared resource.

Direction Name Type Description
In resource STRING Identifier string for the resource to which we are registering
In moduleName STRING User readable name for the module
In/Out pResourceUserId UDINT* Pointer to a local variable that gets populated by the function with its userId
In/Out pResourceActive BOOL* Pointer to a local BOOL that is used to request access to the resource
Return value UDINT Always returns zero

resourceIsAvailable( )

Function to check if a resource is available. If this function returns TRUE, it means that no other module has requested access to this resource, and that it is available for the calling module to request access to. Note that this function will return TRUE even if the resource is being actively requested by the calling module.

Direction Name Type Description
In resourceName STRING Identifier string for the resource to which we are registering
In resourceUserId UDINT Local userId
Return value BOOL Resource availability


systemJson( )

This function dumps a log of all registered states to a STRING in JSON format.

Direction Name Type Description
In buffer UDINT Pointer to an array of STRINGs
In sBuffer UDINT Total size of the array of STRINGs
Return value UDINT Always returns zero