Numeric Manipulation

Common Attributes

Attribute Description Default Possible Values
min Minimum PV value -1 number
max Maximum PV value 1 number
data-var-name The plc variable that will be data bound to the main function of the tmplit not optional ‘MyTask:Myvar.member’, ‘gMyGlobal.var’

Value Up Down

This tmplit produces two buttons with up and down graphics as well as a numeric display so the user is aware of the value being sent to the plc.

Attribute Description Default Possible Values
increment The value value will be added by the increment value every time there is a click on the up arrow. The value will be subtracted by the increment value when the down button is pressed. 1 number
buttonStyle Style assigned to the buttons
inputStyle Style assigned to the input


{{tmplit 'ValueUpDown' data-var-name='<var>' increment=2 min=0 max=100 buttonStyle="color:red" inputStyle="color:blue"}}


A graphic representation of current value in relation to the range allowed for the specified PLC variable.

Attribute Description Default Possible Values
screenScale How much to scale the user input to the size of the bar 1 number
direction Direction of the bar 0 0 (Horizontal) or 1 (Vertical)


    {{tmplit 'Slider' data-var-name='<var>' screenScale=1 min=0 max=100 direction=0}}