Numeric and Text Fields

Common Attributes

Attribute Description Default Possible Values
label (optional) This label will be a child of the span element located after the input element. none String, HTML
class The classes added to this attribute will be located on a div surrounding the input element. none css classes
data-var-name The plc variable that will be data bound to the main function of the tmplit not optional ‘MyTask:Myvar.member’, ‘gMyGlobal.var’


These tmplits will allow the HMI user to change a plc variable directly from the HMI screen. This update will happen within the cyclic the webProg is located.

Tmplit Name for Inputs: NumericInput or TextInput

There are more optional attributes in the Loupe UX Data Binding documentation.


    {{tmplit 'NumericInput' '<label>' data-var-name='<var>'}}


These tmplits will allow the HMI user to display a plc variable directly from the HMI screen. This update will happen within the cyclic the webProg is located.

Tmplit Name for Outputs: NumericOutput or TextOutput


    {{tmplit 'NumericOutput' '<label>' data-var-name='<var>'}}