


Structure that contains information necessary for logging in and out.

Name Type Description
UserName STRING[UA_STRLEN_IN] String used as the username for logins and logouts.
Password STRING[UA_STRLEN_IN] String used as the password for logins and logouts.
UserLevel USINT Level of access this user will receive.


This structure is used to store and access all data regarding the current state.


Top level of the UserAccessMgr structure.

Name Type Description
IN UserAccessMgr_IN_typ Input structure for UserAccessMgr_typ.
OUT UserAccessMgr_OUT_typ Output structure for UserAccessMgr_typ.


This is the input structure break down for the UserAccessMgr.

Name Type Description
CMD UserAccessMgr_IN_CMD_typ Command structure for UserAccessMgr_typ.
PAR UserAccessMgr_IN_PAR_typ Parameter structure for UserAccessMgr_typ.
CFG UserAccessMgr_IN_CFG_typ Configuration structure for UserAccessMgr_typ.


This is the input command structure break down for the UserAccessMgr.

Name Type Description
Login BOOL Command for logging in with current user specified on PAR structure.
Logout BOOL Command for loggout in with current user specified on PAR structure.


This is the input parameter structure break down for the UserAccessMgr.

Name Type Description
InputUser UA_User_typ User structure that contains Username, Password, and UserLevel.


This is the input configuration structure break down for the UserAccessMgr.

Name Type Description
pUserList UDINT Pointer to the user list (address of a UA_User_typ array)
NumUsers UDINT Number of users in the user list
LoginMode UDINT Mode for checking login (UA_MODE_DEFAULT, UA_MODE_PASSWORDONLY)
VCName STRING[UA_STRLEN_IN][0..UA_MAI_VC] Name array of the visual components objects
NumVC USINT Number of VC objects to check for touch actions
AutomaticLogoutDelay UDINT Automatic logout delay time [s]. Set to 0 to disable automatic logout.
LoggerName STRING[LOG_STRLEN_LOGGERNAME] Name of AR logger to use


The output structure only contains a status member. This is the breakdown of the output status structure.

Name Type Description
CurrentUser UA_User_typ Username, password and level of user currently logged in.
LoggerInitialized BOOL Bit associated with the status of the logbook
ValidLogin BOOL Indicates whether or not the login attempt was valid.
InvalidLogin BOOL Indicates whether or not the login attempt was invalid.
ValidLogout BOOL Indicates whether or not the logout attempt was valid.
AutoLogout BOOL Indicates that a auto logout occurred.
HMI UserAccessMgr_OUT_STAT_HMI_typ[0..UA_MAI_VC] Structure for HMI errors.


This is the breakdown of the output status HMI structure.

Name Type Description
Error BOOL Indicates whether or not an error has occured.
ErrorID UINT Indicates which error occured (please see error codes below). )
ErrorString STRING[UA_STRLEN_ERROR] String giving a description of the error.



These are the different mode options this library provides.

Name Value Description
UA_MODE_DEFAULT 0 Sets access manager to check both username and password.
UA_MODE_PASSWORDONLY 1 Sets access manager to only check the password and ignore the user name.

Error Codes

The following error codes can occur from this function.

  • 7000 - UA_ERR_SCRNBUSY - Occurs with the VA_Saccess (used inside the UA_GetTouchAction() ) function when no access to the display is currently possible. Try again in the next cycle.
  • 7130 - UA_ERR_TERMNOTCONN - This error occurs when the HMI is not connected to the PLC.
  • 7195 - UA_ERR_NODATA - tThis error occurs when a function call has been madde but there is no new data to evaluate from the HMI
  • 50000 - UA_ERR_NULLPTR - This error occurs when the a pointer parameter has a value of 0.
  • 50001 - UA_ERR_NUMUSERS - This error occurs when using UA_ListUsers() when the numUsers input is set to 0.
  • 50002 - UA_ERR_NUMSTRINGS - This error occurs when using UA_ListUsers() when the numStrings input is set to 0.
  • 50003 - UA_ERR_STRINGLENGTH - Thi serror occurs when a string was passed into any of the function that exceeds the string length.
  • 50004 - UA_ERR_INVALIDUSERNAME - This error occurs when a login attempt occured with the incorrect username.
  • 50005 - UA_ERR_INVAILDPASSWORD - This error occurs when a login attempt occured with the incorrect password.
  • 50006 - UA_ERR_USERLISTFULL - This error occurs when a user is being added but the max users has been reached.
  • 50007 - UA_ERR_USERNOTFOUND - This error occurs when a user name and password are not present on the User List.
  • 50008 - UA_ERR_VCHANDLE - This error occurs when the an error occurs while setting up the VCHandle. A possible cause could be passing in an invalid VCName.
  • 50008 - UA_ERR_ - This is a general error.