
This function turns a string into a JSON escaped string.


IO Parameter Description Data Type
OUT pDest Pointer to destination string UDINT
IN pSrc Pointer to source string UDINT
IN maxLength Max string length of pDest UDINT
OUT reentry Pointer to a string pointer. Is populated with a pointer to the next character in pSrc, if end of pSrc is not reached before reaching maxLength. Optional, provide 0 if not desired UDINT
OUT return New string length of destination UDINT


    unsigned long reentry, length;
    char destination[50];
    char source[50];
    strcpy(source, "{\"test\": 1}");
    length = json_escape(&destination, &source, sizeof(destination)-1, 0);
    // destination == "{\\\"test\\\": 1}"
    unsigned long reentry, length;
    length = json_escape(&tempString, &source, sizeof(destination)-1, &reentry);

    strcat(buffer, tempString)

    while(reentry != 0){
        length = json_escape(&tempString, reentry, sizeof(destination)-1, &reentry);
        strcat(buffer, tempString)