

List all USB nodes.

Direction Name Type Description
In USB USB_typ* Pointer to USB_typ
Return done BOOL This is equal to done bit on USB


Allows the user to select between multiple sources for a file device.

Direction Name Type Description
In Enable BOOL Enable this function block
In FileDevice String[80] File device to link the selected hardware to
In pConfiguredDevice UDINT OPTIONAL: Connect to remnant string variable to reconnect on startup
In pUSBList USB_typ* OPTIONAL: Address to USB_typ to populate the list with USB devices
In pDirectory STRING[80]* OPTIONAL: Address of String containing the directory to connect to on the CF card
In pNetworkConfiguration STRING[80]* OPTIONAL: Address of String containing the network configuration to connect to
In Selector ListBoxFub HMI Connections. Connect this structure to HMI elements to display the results and allow users to select devices
Out Locations STRING[LIST_BOX_STRING_SIZE][0..12] HMI Connections. Connect this array to Listbox or Dropdown to display the results and allow the user to select a device
Out status UINT Status of internal functions
Out handle UDINT Handle to unlink in exit routine


Links/Unlinks file devices.

Direction Name Type Description
In Execute BOOL Execute a DevLink
In pDevice UDINT Pointer to STRING containing file device to link to hardware
In pParam UDINT Pointer to parameter STRING. See Devlink Help
Out busy BOOL The function block is working
Out done BOOL The function block completed successfully
Out error BOOL Status of internal functions
Out status UINT Status of internal functions
Out handle UDINT Handle to unlink in exit routine