

Template where sources are stored after compiling. This type is mostly used internally and users will not typically access the members of this type.

Name Type Description
snippet Chop_Template_Variable_typ Array of snippets
iSnippet UINT Number of snippets used in template
source STRING Source string to be used while rendering
compiled BOOL Indicated template has been compiled


Name Value Description
0 No Error
CHOP_ERR_INVALID_INPUT 50000 Input to function is invalid
CHOP_ERR_SOURCE_LENGTH 50001 Provided source is too long. Check source for missing null char. If source is greater than CHOP_TEMPLATE_STRLEN_SOURCE contact Loupe
CHOP_ERR_TEMPLATE_FULL 50002 Template full of items. Contact Loupe
CHOP_ERR_NO_END_OF_VAR 50003 No end of variable detected during compile. Check source!
CHOP_ERR_NOT_COMPILED 50004 Attempted to render but template is not compiled. First compile template
CHOP_ERR_DEST_LENGTH 50005 Destination buffer too small
CHOP_ERR_INTERNAL 50006 Internal Error
CHOP_ERR_INTERNAL 51xxx Invalid Formatter, xxx represents the index of the variable with invalid formatter