Boolean Manipulation

Common Attributes

Attribute Description Default Possible Values
label This label will be a child of the button. none String, HTML
class These classes added to this attribute will be located in the parent element. none css classes
data-var-name The plc variable that will be data bound to the visual representation not optional ‘MyTask:Myvar.member’, ‘gMyGlobal.var’
buttonVarName The plc variable that will be data bound to the press of the button data-var-name ‘MyTask:Myvar.member’, ‘gMyGlobal.var’
data-set-value When the PLC variable equals this value it will ad the led-on class. true
data-reset-value When the PLC variable equals this value it will ad the led-off class. false
side Alignment left left,middle,right
buttonType Button function none set, momentary, toggle


LED elements toggle state based on the value of a machine variable. The state toggle is accomplished by adding and removing classes to the element. If the machine value does not match a defined state, then no class will be added to the element. This allows for a total of three states for each LED element, on, off, and undefined. The Loupe UX library also provides default implementations of LED classes in lux.css.

Attribute Description Default
error This is a boolean argument that allows you to use the ’led-red’ class as the data-var-true element. false
warning This is a boolean argument that allows you to use the ’led-orange’ class as the data-var-true element. false


     {{tmplit 'Led' '<label>' data-var-name='<var>' error='true' data-set-value='false' data-reset-value='true' }}


Checkboxes function similarly to toggle buttons. They will set the value of a machine variable to one of two values and update their display based on the current machine value.


    {{tmplit 'CheckBox' <label> data-var-name='<var>'}}