
TempLib Library

The TempLib library provides functionality related to temperature systems, including temperature sensor scaling, set point ramping, and closed loop control with autotuning.

Nearly every manufacturing process has some dependence on temperature. Whether it is a chemical process that needs to take place at a certain temperature or a pot of glue that needs to be kept hot, maintaining a steady temperature is crucial to success.

The TempLib library provides an easy to use interface for all of the most common tasks associated with temperature control systems, from set point generation to sensor monitoring and control.


The TempLib functionality can be integrated into any project using data structures and function calls.

Temperature Sensors

The TempSensorFn_Cyclic function scales temperature sensor inputs from their default analog input scaling of 0.1 degrees Celsius to degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. A variable should be declared of type TempSensor_typ, and the TempSensor.IN.TempInput element should be mapped to an analog input channel. After calling the TempSensorFn_Cyclic function, the actual temperatures will be available in the TempSensor.OUT structure.

TempSensorFn_Cyclic( TempSensor );

Set Point Ramping

The TempRampFn_Cyclic function ramps from one set point to another at a set ramp rate. The actual temperature is used as the initial value when enabling the ramp, preventing discontinuities in the downstream temperature control variables. It is possible to set minimum and maximum limits on the ramped set point, and different ramp rates are available for increasing and decreasing the set temperature. To use the TempRampFn_Cyclic function, a variable must be declared of type TempRamp_typ.

TempRamp.IN.CMD.Enable:=		EnableTempRamp;

TempRamp.IN.PAR.SetTemp:=		RecipeSetTemp;
TempRamp.IN.PAR.ActTemp:=		TempSensor.OUT.ActTempC;

TempRamp.IN.CFG.RampRateUp:=		TempRampRate;
TempRamp.IN.CFG.RampRateDown:=		TempRampRate;
TempRamp.IN.CFG.MinTemp:=		MinSetTemp;
TempRamp.IN.CFG.MaxTemp:=		MaxSetTemp;

TempRampFn_Cyclic( TempRamp );

Temperature Control


To use the TempLib closed loop temperature control functionality, a variable must be declared of type TempController_typ. This variable must then be initialized in the INIT routine of your program by populating the TempController.IN.PAR.Settings structure and calling the TempControllerFn_Init() function. The Settings structure should typically be loaded from a file or data object on startup. Alternatively, the values can be set directly in the INIT routine of your program.

(* Load Settings structure from file... *)

TempControllerFn_Init( TempController );

Cyclic Operation

The TempControllerFn_Cyclic function performs closed loop temperature control with autotuning. It should be noted that this function is tailored to temperature control, and it is not intended for performing other forms of closed loop control (pressure, speed, etc.). To use the TempControllerFn_Cyclic function, a variable must be declared of type TempController_typ, and that variable should be initialized using the TempControllerFn_Init function. The TempControllerFn_Cyclic function should be called in the CYCLIC routine of your program, once every scan, unconditionally.

TempController.IN.CMD.EnableControl:=	EnableTempControl;

TempController.IN.PAR.SetTemp:=		RecipeSetTemp;
TempController.IN.PAR.ActTemp:=		TempSensor.OUT.ActTempC;
TempControllerFn_Cyclic( TempController );


Temperature Sensor Data Structure


  • TempInput - Input temperature in 0.1℃. This should typically be mapped to a thermocouple or RTD input module.


  • ActTempC - Actual temperature scaled to degrees Celsius.
  • ActTempF - Actual temperature scaled to degrees Fahrenheit.

Set Point Ramping Data Structure

The TempRamp data structure provides the interface to higher level programs and also stores all necessary internal information for temperature set point ramping. It is divided into inputs (TempRamp.IN), outputs (TempRamp.OUT), and internals (TempRamp.Internal).


TempRamp inputs are divided into commands (IN.CMD), parameters (IN.PAR), and configuration settings (IN.CFG). Commands are used to initiate operations, and parameters and configuration settings determine how the commands will be processed. The difference between parameters and configuration settings is that configuration settings are generally set only once, while parameters might be set any time a command is issued.


  • Enable - Enable set point ramping. On a rising edge of Enable, OUT.RampedSetTemp is initialized to IN.PAR.ActTemp.
  • SetNow - Set OUT.RampedSetTemp to IN.PAR.SetTemp immediately, with no ramping. Enable must be TRUE for this to have an effect.


  • SetTemp - Final target temperature for set point ramping [℃].
  • ActTemp - Current actual temperature [℃]. This is only used to initialize OUT.RampedSetTemp on a rising edge of IN.CMD.Enable.

Configuration Settings

  • RampRateUp - Ramp rate for ramping away from 0℃ [℃/s].
  • RampRateDown - Ramp rate for ramping towards 0℃ [℃/s].
  • MinTemp - Minimum value of OUT.RampedSetTemp while ramping is enabled [℃].
  • MaxTemp - Maximum value of OUT.RampedSetTemp while ramping is enabled [℃].


TempRamp outputs contain the ramped set temperature and status information (OUT.STAT).

  • RampedSetTemp - Ramped set temperature [℃]. If IN.CMD.Enable is FALSE, then RampedSetTemp is set to 0℃.

Status Outputs

  • Error - An error exists with the TempRamp. Check IN.CFG settings.
  • ErrorID - Current ramp status. This is passed directly from the internal LCRRamp function block. If Error is FALSE, then ErrorID represents a function block warning. For details, please see the LoopConR library documenation in the Automation Studio Online Help.

Temperature Controller Data Structure

The TempController data structure provides the interface to higher level programs and also stores all necessary internal information for closed loop temperature control with autotuning. It is divided into inputs (TempController.IN), outputs (TempController.OUT), and internals (TempController.Internal).


TempController inputs are divided into commands (IN.CMD) and parameters (IN.PAR). Commands are used to initiate operations, and parameters determine how the commands will be processed.


  • EnableControl - Enable temperature control.
  • StartAutotune - Start an autotune procedure, regardless of the status of EnableControl. After the tuning is finished, the control will stay active as long as StartAutotune (or EnableControl) is TRUE.
  • AbortAutotune - Abort an autotune procedure before it finishes. Setting AbortAutotune to TRUE will automatically reset the StartAutotune command.
  • Update - Update the controller settings while control is active. Settings are captured on a rising edge of EnableControl. While control is active, changes to settings can only be applied by using the Update command. This command is automatically reset by the controller.
  • AcknowledgeError - Acknowledge temperature controller errors.
  • okToHeat, okToFree, okToFreeEnd, okToCool, okToCoolEnd - The okTo inputs are used for synchronizing autotuning across multiple temperature zones. For details on how best to use these inputs, please see the AS Online Help for the LCRTempTune function block.


  • SetTemp - Set temperature [℃].
  • ActTemp - Actual temperature [℃].
  • Y_man - Controller output during manual control [%]. If the Mode input is set to LCRTEMPPID_MODE_MAN, then Y_man is passed directly to the PercentHeat and PercentCool outputs. Values greater than 0 are passed to PercentHeat and values less than 0 are passed to PercentCool.
  • Mode - Controller mode. Valid settings are LCRTEMPPID_MODE_AUTO and LCRTEMPPID_MODE_MAN.
  • Settings - Controller settings (lcrtemp_set_typ structure). This structure contains all of the settings for closed loop control and autotuning. For details, please see the LoopConR library documentation in the AS Online Help.
  • EnableExtendedTuningStatus - When set to TRUE, the FilteredTempGradient and FilteredActTemp status outputs will be calculated. This can be useful for determining tuning settings, but it uses significant CPU resources. This should be enabled during commissioning to find appropriate tuning settings but disabled during normal machine operation.


TempController outputs contain the control effort and status information (OUT.STAT).

  • PercentHeat - Heating control effort [%].
  • PercentCool - Cooling control effort [%].

Status Outputs

  • ActTemp - Actual temperature [℃]. This is passed directly from IN.PAR.ActTemp.
  • SetTemp - Set temperature [℃]. This is passed directly from IN.PAR.SetTemp.
  • TempDeviation - Deviation from set temperature [℃].
  • Tuning - Status information for autotuning operations.
  • Error - An error exists with the TempController.
  • ErrorID - Current controller status. This is passed directly from the internal LoopConR function blocks. If Error is FALSE, then ErrorID represents a function block warning. For details, please see the LoopConR library documentation in the AS Online Help.
  • ErrorState - TempController state in which the error occurred.

Tuning Status

  • Active - The autotune procedure is currently active.
  • Done - The autotune procedure finished successfully. Controller settings are updated and applied automatically.
  • rdyToHeat, rdyToFree, rdyToFreeEnd, rdyToCool, rdyToCoolEnd - The rdyTo outputs are used for synchronizing autotuning across multiple temperature zones. For details on how best to use these inputs, please see the AS Online Help for the LCRTempTune function block.
  • State - Tuning state passed directly from the internal LCRTempTune function block. For details, please see the AS Online Help for the LCRTempTune function block.
  • FilteredTempGradient - Temperature gradient measured by the autotune procedure, filtered using the filter_base_T setting [℃/s]. If this curve appears too noisy during an autotune, increase filter_base_T gradually. If the curve does not accurately reflect the temperature gradient, reduce filter_base_T.
  • FilteredActTemp - Actual temperature filtered using the filter_base_T setting [℃]. If this curve appears too noisy during an autotune, increase filter_base_T gradually. If the curve does not accurately reflect the actual temperature, reduce filter_base_T.

Error ID Numbers

All errors are passed directly from function blocks contained in the LoopConR library. For details on these, please see the AS Online Help for the LoopConR library.