

The lstrip() function strips a set of characters from the left side of a string. It takes two inputs, the address of the string to be stripped, pStringVar, and the address of a string containing the characters to be stripped, pChars. If pChars is 0, then the function defaults to stripping white space characters. The function returns the number of characters copied. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In stringVar Pointer to String Pointer to address of string to be modified
In pChars Pointer to String Pointer to string of characters to be removed from pString
Return NumCharsCopied UDINT Number of characters copied


stringVar :=	' String Contents ';
pStringVar := ADR(stringVar);
pChars := 0;

NumCharsCopied :=	lstrip( pStringVar, pChars );

After this function call, stringVar will be ‘String Contents ‘, and NumCharsCopied will be 16.


Similar to lstrip(), the rstrip() function strips a set of characters from the right side of a string. It takes two inputs, the address of the string to be stripped, pStringVar, and the address of a string containing the characters to be stripped, pChars. If pChars is 0, then the function defaults to stripping white space characters. The function returns the number of characters copied. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In pStringVar Pointer to String Pointer to address of string to be modified
In pChars Pointer to String Pointer to string of characters to be removed from pString
Return NumCharsCopied UDINT Number of characters copied


stringVar :=	' String Contents ';
pStringVar := ADR(stringVar);
pChars := 0;

NumCharsCopied :=	rstrip( pStringVar, pChars );

After this function call, stringVar will be ’ String Contents’, and NumCharsCopied will be 16.


The atoui() function converts a string into a UDINT value. This allows conversion of numbers higher than the DINT limit, which is not possible using the standard atoi() function. It takes the address of the string to be converted as input and returns the UDINT value.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In pString Pointer to String Pointer of address of string to be modified
Return UdintVar UDINT Converted string address to UDINT value


stringVar :=	'3280439123';
pStringVar := ADR(stringVar):

UdintVar :=	atoui( ADR(stringVar) );

After this function call, stringVar will be unchanged and UdintVar will be 3,280,439,123.


The uitoa() function writes a UDINT value to a string. This allows conversion of numbers higher than the DINT limit, which is not possible using the standard itoa() function. It takes two inputs, the UDINT value to be written to a string, and the address of the string to write to. It returns the number of characters written to the string. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In UdintVar UDINT Udint value to be converted to string
In pStringVar Pointer to String Pointer to address of converted string
Return NumCharsWritten UDINT Number of characters written to string address


UdintVar :=	3280439123;
stringVar := '';
pStringVar := ADR(stringVar);

NumCharsWritten :=	uitoa( UdintVar, pStringVar );

After this function call, stringVar will be ‘3280439123’ and NumCharsWritten will be 10.


The ByteToHexString() function converts a number of consecutive bytes into a hexadecimal code string. This can be useful for displaying memory addresses or handling hash values, for example. It takes three inputs, the starting address of the bytes to be converted, the number of bytes to be converted, and the address of the string to write to. It is important to note that the string will contain two characters for each byte to be converted. The function returns the number of characters written to the string. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In pUsintArray Pointer to Array Udint value to be converted to string
In NumOfBytes Bytes Number of bytes to be converted
In pStringVar Pointer to String Pointer to address of converted string
Return NumCharsWritten UDINT Number of characters written to string address


UsintArray[0] :=	16#A3;
UsintArray[1] :=	16#7D;
UsintArray[2] :=	16#3B;
UsintArray[3] :=	16#0F;
UsintArray[4] :=	16#C4;
NumOfBytes 	:= 5;
pUsintArray := ADR(UsintArray);
pStringVar	:= ADR(StringVar);

NumCharsWritten :=	ByteToHexString( pUsintArray, NumOfBytes, pStringVar );

After this function call, StringVar will be ‘a37d3b0fc4’, and NumCharsWritten will be 10. Please note that this function will only write lower case letters.


The HexStringToDINT() function converts a string of hexadecimal string to long integer value. It takes one input, the address of the hexadecimal string. The function returns a long integer value. Please note that this function WILL NOT modify the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In pHexStr Pointer to Hexadecimal String Pointer to HexString to be converted
Return longInt DINT Hexadecimal string converted to a DINT


HexStr := 'a37d3b0fc4';
pHexStr := ADR(HexStr);

longInt :=  HexStringToDINT( pHexStr );

After the function call, HexStr wil be unmodified, and longInt will be 43886251972.


The GenerateTimestamp() function generates a timestamp string from a DATE_AND_TIME variable. The format of the string is “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. It takes three inputs, the DATE_AND_TIME variable to be converted, the address of the timestamp string variable, and the size of the timestamp string variable, not including the null byte. The function returns the number of characters written to the string. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In DTGetTime_0.DT1 DATE_AND_TIME Variable to be converted to a String
In TimestampString Pointer to String address Address where converting string will be stored
In SIZEOF(TimestampString) byte Bytes to be converted
Return NumCharsWritten UINT number of characters written to string address


DTGetTime_0.enable:=	1;

NumCharsWritten :=	GenerateTimestamp( DTGetTime_0.DT1, ADR(TimestampString), SIZEOF(TimestampString) - 1 );

After this function call, TimestampString will contain the current date and time, and NumCharsWritten will be 19.


The GenerateTimestampMS() function generates a timestamp string from a DTStructure. The format of the string is “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MMM”. It takes three inputs, the address of a DTStructure variable to be converted, the address of the timestamp string variable, and the size of the timestamp string variable, not including the null byte. The function returns the number of characters written to the string. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In DTS Pointer to DATE_AND_TIME Variable to be converted to a String
In TimestampString Pointer to String address Address where converting string will be stored
In SIZEOF(TimestampString) byte Bytes to be converted
Return NumCharsWritten UINT number of characters written to string address


// DTStructure DTS 
DTStructureGetTime_0.enable:=	1;
DTStructureGetTime_0.pDTStructure := ADR(DTS);

NumCharsWritten :=	GenerateTimestamp( ADR(DTS), ADR(TimestampString), SIZEOF(TimestampString) - 1 );

After this function call, TimestampString will contain the current date and time, and NumCharsWritten will be 23.


The GenerateTimestampMS_1() function generates a timestamp string from a DTStructure. The format of the string is “YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_SSS”. It takes three inputs, the address of a DTStructure variable to be converted, the address of the timestamp string variable, and the size of the timestamp string variable, not including the null byte. The function returns the number of characters written to the string. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In DTS Pointer to DATE_AND_TIME Variable to be converted to a String
In TimestampString Pointer to String address Address where converting string will be stored
In SIZEOF(TimestampString) byte Bytes to be converted
Return NumCharsWritten UINT number of characters written to string address


// DTStructure DTS
DTStructureGetTime_0.enable :=	1;
DTStructureGetTime_0.pDTStructure := ADR(DTS);

NumCharsWritten :=	GenerateTimestampMS_1( ADR(DTS), ADR(TimestampString), SIZEOF(TimestampString) - 1 );

After this function call, TimestampString will contain the current date and time, and NumCharsWritten will be 23.


The strncat4() function generates a string from four input strings with ‘/’ in between. The function takes in six inputs, the destination for the combined strings, the four strings to be combined, and the max length of the destination should have. Please note that this function modifies the input string Dest and not other input strings.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In pDest Pointer to String Pointer to the destination string
In pSource1 Pointer to String Pointer to the first string to be combined
In pSource2 Pointer to String Pointer to the second string to be combined
In pSource3 Pointer to String Pointer to the third string to be combined
In pSource4 Pointer to String Pointer to the fourth string to be combined
Return NumCharWritten UINT Number of characters combined


Dest := '';
pDest := ADR(Dest);
Source1 := 'test1';
pSource1 := ADR(Source1);
Source2 := 'test2';
pSource2 := ADR(Source2);
Source3 := 'test3';
pSource3 := ADR(Source3);
Source4 := 'test4';
pSource4 := ADR(Source4);
MaxLength := 28;

NumCharWritten :=  strncat4(	pDest, pSource1, pSource2, pSource3, pSource4, MaxLength);

After this function call, Dest will contain ’test1/test2/test3/test4’, and NumCharsWritten will be 23. Please note if the strings contained more than 25 characters plus the 3 characters for the ‘/’, they would have been cut off at the limit.


The ToUpper() function replaces all lower case characters in a string with uppercase characters. This function takes in one input string and returns 0 with completed. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In pString Pointer to String Pointer to the string that needs to be converted
Return 0 Returns 0 after completion


String := 'This string';
pSting := ADR(String);


After this function call, String will be ‘THIS STRING’.


The ToLower() function replaces all uppercase characters in a string with lowercase characters. This function takes in one input string and returns 0 with completed. Please note that this function modifies the input string.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In pString Pointer to String Pointer to the string that needs to be converted
Return 0 Returns 0 after completion


String := 'This string';
pSting := ADR(String);

After this function call, String will be ’this string’.


The function Timestamp_TO_DT(); is used to convert a string generated by generateTimeStamp and revert it back into a DATE_AND_TIME variable. This function has two inputs one is a string input and other is a DATE_AND_TIME variable.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In Timestamp Pointer to a String string generated by GenerateTimeStamp()
In DT Pointer to DATE_TIME structure
Return DateTime DATE_AND_TIME Date and time information extracted from timestamp


Timestamp := '2019-04-25 12:42:16';

Timestamp_TO_DT( ADR(DT), ADR(TimeStamp));

After this function call, TimeStamp will not be changed and DT will be 2019-04-25 12:42:16 with a data type of DATE_AMD_TIME.


Appends [Value] onto end of string. Used as a quick method to append array indexes to messages. Returns address of string modified.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In motorIndex INT Index number to be added to string
In testStr String String in which a=index will be added
Return testStrAddress UDINT Address of string modified


testStr := 'Motor';
motorIndex := 1;

testStrAddress := appendArrayIndex(motorIndex, ADR(testStr));

After this function call, testStr will contain ‘Motor[1]’.


Separates file name from extension. It takes three inputs, the address of a string of a filename to be converted, the address of the Name to be filled, the address of the extension to be filled. It returns the length of the Name without the extension. Both the Name and Extension inputs are optional and can be left 0 if not needed.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
In FileName String String containing file name with extension
In Name String String containing Filename without extension
In Extension String String containing extension without file name
Return LengthOfName UDINT Length of the file name without the extension


FileName := 'TestFile.txt';
lengthOfName := SplitFileName(ADR(FileName),ADR(Name),ADR(Extension));

After this function call, Name will contain ‘TestFile’, Extension will contain ’txt’, and lengthOfName will be 8. FileName will remain unchanged.


Copy string pSrc to string pDst of size dSize. At most dSize minus one chars will be copied. Always null terminates (unless dSize == 0). Returns strlen(pSrc). If return value greater than or equal to dSize, truncation occurred.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
OUT pDest String String destination
IN pSrc String String to be copied into pDest
IN dSize UDINT Size of pDest, including place for null char
Return LengthOfpSrc UDINT String length of pSrc


char[10] myString;
length = stringlcpy(&myString,"This is a strcpy",sizeof(myString));

After this function call, myString will contain ‘This is a’, and length will be 16.


Appends pSrc to string pDest of size dSize (unlike strncat, dSize is the full size of pDest, not space left). At most dSize minus one characters will be copied. Always null terminates (unless dSize <= strlen(pDst)). Returns strlen(pSrc) + MIN(dSize, strlen(initial pDst)). If return value is greater than or equal to dSize, truncation has occurred.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
OUT pDest String String to be concatenated onto
IN pSrc String String to be appended
IN dSize UDINT Size of pDest, including place for null char
Return Length UDINT Length of pDest before concat plus length of pSrc


char[10] myString, tempString;
strcpy(myString, "This "); // strlen(myString) == 5
strcpy(tempString, "is a concat"); // strlen(tempString) == 11
length = stringlcat(&myString,&tempString,sizeof(myString));

After this function call, myString will contain ‘This is a’, tempString will contain ‘is a concat’, and length will be 16.


Converts string pSrc to wide string pDest of size dSize. At most dSize minus one characters will be copied. Always null terminates. Returns strlen(pSrc). If return value is greater than or equal to dSize/2, truncation has occurred.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
OUT pDest WString WString destination
IN pSrc String String to be converted
IN dSize UDINT Size of pDest, including place for null char
Return Length UDINT Length of pDest before concat plus length of pSrc.


unsigned int myString[10];
char tempString[12];
strcpy(tempString, "is a string"); // strlen(tempString) == 11
length = string2wstring(&myString,&tempString,sizeof(myString));

After this function call, myString will contain ‘is a stri’, tempString will contain ‘is a string’, and length will be 11.


Converts wide string pSrc to string pDest of size dSize. Any characters not support by a char type will be replaced with an STREXT_INVALID_CHAR. At most dSize minus one characters will be copied. Always null terminates. Returns strlen(pSrc). If return value is greater than or equal to dSize, truncation has occurred.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
OUT pDest String String destination
IN pSrc WString WString to be converted
IN dSize UDINT Size of pDest, including place for null char
Return Length UDINT Length of pDest before concat plus length of pSrc.


char myString[10];
unsigned int tempString[12];
brwstrcpy(tempString, u"is a string"); // brwstrlen(tempString) == 11
length = wstring2string(&myString,&tempString,sizeof(myString));

After this function call, myString will contain ‘is a stri’, tempString will contain ‘is a string’, and length will be 11.


Converts char character to wide char return.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN character char Character to be converted
Return wcharacter UINT Wide character


unsigned int wCharacter;
wCharacter = char2wchar('L');

After this function call, wCharacter will contain u’L’.


Converts wide char character to char return. Any characters not support by a char type will be replaced with an STREXT_INVALID_CHAR.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN wcharacter UINT Wide character to be converted
Return character char Character


char character;
character = wchar2char(u'L');

After this function call, wCharacter will contain ‘L’.


Copies string with formatters from format into dest. Similar to sprintf.


  • real: ‘%r’, ‘%f’
  • string: ‘%s’
  • boolean: ‘%b’
  • integer: ‘%i’, ‘%d’


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN dest UDINT Pointer to string for formatted string to be copied
IN destSize UDINT Size of dest
IN format UDINT Format string
IN pArgs UDINT Pointer to StrExtArgs_typ
Return character DINT Character


char destination[80];
char* source = "This is a real: %r and an int %i";
StrExtArgs_typ args = {};
args.r = 1.23;
args.i = 123;
unsigned long character = formatString(&destination, sizeof(destination), source, &args);

After this function call, character will be 35 and destination will be “This is a real: 1.23 and an int 123”.


Formats time from a DATE_AND_TIME type to a string using provided format. Function internally uses strftime.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN dest UDINT Pointer to string for formatted string to be copied
IN destSize UDINT Size of dest
IN format UDINT Format string
IN time DATE_AND_TIME Time to be formatted. Use DTGetTime or UtcDTGetTime to get current time
Return len UDINT Length of dest after copy


Specifier Meaning Example
%% The % character. %
%a National abbreviated weekday name Mon
%A National full weekday name Monday
%b National abbreviated month name Sep
%B National full month name September
%c National representation of date and time Mon Spe 22 12:50:32 2011
%C The Century number (00-99) 19
%d Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31) 22
%D Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y 07/30/09
%e Day of the month, space-padded ( 1-31) 22
%F Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d 2011-09-22
%g Week-based year, last two digits (00-99) 16
%G Week-based year, with century. 2016
%h The same as %b. Sep
%H Hour in 24h format (00-23) 16
%I Hour in 12h format (01-12) 08
%j Day of the year (001-366) 145
%m Month as a decimal number (01-12) 08
%M Minute (00-59) 52
%n Newline character (’\n’)
%p AM or PM designation AM
%r 12-hour clock time 02:55:02 PM
%R 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M 12:44
%S Second (00-61) 06
%s Unix time; the number of seconds since the Unix epoch. 1455803239
%t Horizontal-tab character (’\t’)
%T ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S 18:25:34
%u ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7) 6
%U Week number with the first Sunday as the first day of week one (00-53) 30
%V ISO 8601 week number (00-53) 12
%w Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6) 5
%W Week number with the first Monday as the first day of week one (00-53) 50
%x National date representation 05/28/11
%X National time representation 12:22:02
%y Year, last two digits (00-99) 11
%Y Year 2016
%z The time zone offset from UTC; a leading plus sign stands for east of UTC, a minus sign for west of UTC, hours and minutes follow with two digits each and no delimiter between them. If timezone cannot be determined, no characters. +0100
%Z Timezone name or abbreviation; if timezone cannot be determined, no characters CEST


Parses formatted time string into a DATE_AND_TIME.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN src UDINT Pointer to string with formatted string
IN format UDINT Format string
Return time DATE_AND_TIME Time parsed from formatted string


Uses the same formatters specified in stringfTime. Some formatters are not fully supported by parser.


Converts a LREAL to a STRING representation. Buffer must be at at least ndigits + 10 bytes. If ndigits is 0, buffer must be at least 25 bytes. If ndigits is 0 mode 0 is used else mode 2 is used. This function is thread safe.

	0 ==> shortest string that yields d when read in
		and rounded to nearest.
	1 ==> like 0, but with Steele & White stopping rule;
		e.g. with IEEE P754 arithmetic , mode 0 gives
		1e23 whereas mode 1 gives 9.999999999999999e22.
	2 ==> max(1,ndigits) significant digits.  This gives a
		return value similar to that of ecvt, except
		that trailing zeros are suppressed.
	3 ==> through ndigits past the decimal point.  This
		gives a return value similar to that from fcvt,
		except that trailing zeros are suppressed, and
		ndigits can be negative.
	4,5 ==> similar to 2 and 3, respectively, but (in
		round-nearest mode) with the tests of mode 0 to
		possibly return a shorter string that rounds to d.
		With IEEE arithmetic and compilation with
		-DHonor_FLT_ROUNDS, modes 4 and 5 behave the same
		as modes 2 and 3 when FLT_ROUNDS != 1.
	6-9 ==> Debugging modes similar to mode - 4:  don't try
		fast floating-point estimate (if applicable).

	Values of mode other than 0-9 are treated as mode 0.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN value LREAL Floating point number to be converted
OUT pBuffer plcstring* Pointer to buffer that should be populated with value.
IN ndigits UDINT Max number of digits to use to represent value
IN bufferSize UDINT Sizeof buffer
Return pBuffer plcstring* Pointer to buffer


stringdtoa(1.234, str, 3, sizeof(str));

After this function call, str ‘1.23’.


Converts a REAL to a STRING representation. Buffer must be at at least ndigits + 10 bytes. If ndigits is 0, buffer must be at least 25 bytes. For mode definitions see stringdtoa. This function is a thread safe variant of brsftoa.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN value REAL Floating point number to be converted
OUT pBuffer plcstring* Pointer to buffer that should be populated with value
IN ndigits UDINT Max number of digits to use to represent value. 0 will default to 22
IN bufferSize UDINT Sizeof buffer
Return pBuffer plcstring* Pointer to buffer


stringftoa(1.234, str, 3, sizeof(str));

After this function call, str ‘1.23’.


Converts a STRING holding a floating value to a LREAL.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN value plcstring* String containing decimal representation of a floating point number
OUT pEnd plcstring** Pointer to a Pointer to a string to be populated with the location of the end number in string. Optional
Return valueLREAL LREAL Value as an LREAL


double val = stringstrtod("1.234", 0);

After this function call, val 1.234.


Converts a STRING holding a floating value to a REAL. This is a REAL variant of stringstrtod.


Direction Name Variable Type Description
IN value plcstring* String containing decimal representation of a floating point number
OUT pEnd plcstring** Pointer to a Pointer to a string to be populated with the location of the end number in string. Optional
Return valueLREAL REAL Value as an LREAL


double val = stringstrtof("1.234", 0);

After this function call, val 1.234.