

Function that cyclically manages the HMI access.

Direction Name Type Description
In t UserAccessMgr_typ An instance of the UserAccessMgr_typ


Function that logs the current user out of the HMI.

Direction Name Type Description
In CurrentUser UA_User_typ The user to be logged out
Return UDINT Returns a 0 when successful.


Function that logs the current user in to the HMI by checking username and password.

Direction Name Type Description
In pUserList UDINT Array of configured users on the system
In NumUsers UDINT The number of users in the user list
In InputUser UA_User_typ Login information of the user trying to login
In Out CurrentUser UA_User_typ Information of the user currently logged in
Return UDINT 0 indicates the function ran successfully


Function that logs the current user in to the HMI by checking only the password.

Direction Name Type Description
In pUserList UDINT Array of configured users on the system
In NumUsers UDINT The number of users in the user list
In pInputPassword UDINT The string with the password attempt
In Out CurrentUser UA_User_typ Information of the user currently logged in
Return UDINT 0 indicates the function ran successfully.


Populates an array of strings with usernames and their levels.

Direction Name Type Description
In pUserList UDINT Array of configured users on the system
In NumUsers UDINT The number of users in the user list
In pStringArray UDINT An array for storing usernames and levels after the function call
In NumStrings UDINT The number of strings in the string array
In StringLength UDINT Max length of one username and user level combined
Return UDINT 0 indicates the function ran successfully


Adds a user to the list of users.

Direction Name Type Description
In pUserList UDINT Array of configured users on the system
In NumUsers UDINT The number of users in the user list
In NewUser UA_User_typ The new user’s username, password, and access level
Return UDINT 0 indicates the function ran successfully


Removes a user from the list of users.

Direction Name Type Description
In pUserList UDINT Array of configured users on the system
In NumUsers UDINT The number of users in the user list
In pUserName UDINT A pointer to the username to be removed
Return UDINT 0 indicates the function ran successfully


This function will change the password for the user.

Direction Name Type Description
In pUserList UDINT Array of configured users on the system
In NumUsers UDINT The number of users in the user list
In pUserName UDINT A pointer to the username string associated with the password change
In pOldPassword UDINT The password string currently used in the user list
In pNewPassword UDINT The password string that will replace the old pass word
Return UDINT 0 indicates the function ran successfully


This function will change the user access level.

Direction Name Type Description
In pUserList UDINT Array of configured users on the system
In NumUsers UDINT The number of users in the user list
In pUserName UDINT A pointer to the username string associated with the password change
In NewUserLevel USINT The new user level
Return UDINT 0 indicates the function ran successfully


This function will grab the actions taken on a VC4 HMI and add the data into the UserAccessMgr_Int_HMI_typ.

Direction Name Type Description
In Out t UserAccessMgr_Int_HMI_typ An instance of the access manager HMI type with all necessary parts of the structure filled in
Return BOOL Successful completion returns 1. A 0 indicates the 7000 error ocurred


This function will add an error ID and error string to the UserAccessMgr_Int_HMI_typ instance.

Direction Name Type Description
In Out t UserAccessMgr_Int_HMI_typ An instance of the access manager HMI type with all necessary parts of the structure filled in
In ErrorID UINT ErrorID associated with current error in User Access Manager structure
Return BOOL This function will always return a 0.


This function will set the StatusDP of an element to 0 (unlocked) or 1 (locked) based on the currently signed in user level.

Direction Name Type Description
In CurrentUserLevel USINT User level of the currently signed in user
In MinUserLevel USINT Minimum user level for access to current element
In Out StatusDP UINT Status equalling 0 is unlocked and 1 is locked
Return UINT This function will always return a 0


This function will set the StatusDP of an element to 0 (visible) or 1 (invisible) based on the currently signed in user level.

Direction Name Type Description
In CurrentUserLevel USINT User level of the currently signed in user.
In MinUserLevel USINT Minimum user level for visibility of element
In Out StatusDP UINT Status equalling 0 is visible and 1 is invisible
Return Status UINT This function will always return a 0