

This library has two timer functions that expands the capabilities of B&R’s TON function. The last function is used to check an input against an ideal value and percentage tolerance.

Functions / Function Blocks

ProcessTimer FB

This library is used to calculate the time required to complete a process.


Direction Name Type Description
In Enable BOOL Enables the timer
In Reset BOOL Resets calculated times
In Count UDINT Number of processes completed since reset
Out AverageTime TIME Average elapsed time per a count
Out FilteredTime TIME Rolling average of last 10 elapsed times


if (proccessStarted){
    proccessStarted = 0;
    ProcessTime_0.Enable = 1;


if (processFinished){
    processFinished = 0;
	ProcessTime_0.Enable = 0;
    timeOfProcess = ProcessTime_0.AverageTime;

TON_Pause FB

This is a timer function with the capability to pause and resume the timer.


Direction Name Type Description
In IN BOOL Enables timer while TRUE
In Pause BOOL Pauses timer while TRUE
In PT TIME Amount of time before the Q bit will go high
Out Q BOOL True indicates the timer is complete
Out ET TIME Current elapsed time since enabled
Out PercentCompleted REAL Percentage of PT that the timer has completed (Et in percent form)
Out TimeLeftRunning TIME When a pause has been initiated this output will retain the time left till timer is complete


void _INIT ProgramInit(void)
	PauseTimer.PT = 1000000;
	startTimer = 1;

void _CYCLIC ProgramCyclic(void)
	if (startTimer){
		startTimer =0;
		PauseTimer.IN = 1;

	if(maintanceActive && !PauseTimer.Q){
		PauseTimer.Pause = 1;
	} else {
		PauseTimer.Pause = 0;

	timeRunning = PauseTimer.ET;


This function determines whether or not an input is within a percentage tolerance of an ideal value (setValue).


Direction Name Type Description
In InputValue REAL The value being checked.
In SetValue REAL The ideal value for the input.
In PercentWindow REAL The tolerance represented in percent form.
Out return BOOL 0 indicates the input value is NOT within tolerance. 1 indicates the value is within tolerance.


void _INIT ProgramInit(void)
    // Setting tolerance to within 15% of idealTemp
	tempTolerance = 15;
	idealTemp = 85;

void _CYCLIC ProgramCyclic(void)
    // Set an active warning if the tempInput is out of tolerance
	if(!WithinPercent(tempInput, idealTemp, tempTolerance)){
		activeWarning = 1;
	} else {
		activeWarning = 0;