
void _INIT ProgramInit(void)
        // fetch the user logger module and interally address it as log 1
        BRSE_ARL_Alloc(1, "", 0, MessageSize = 100, BufferedEntries = 10);

        strcpy(&(name), &("Tom"));

        age = 30;
        value = 100;
        valueExceed = 12;
        tempSet = 77.3;
        tempMax = 55;
        cooling = TRUE;

void _CYCLIC ProgramCyclic(void)
    switch (cmdState){
        case  1: // add an information message
                Args.i[0] = age;
                Args.s[0] = ADR(name);
                BRSE_ARL_Info(1, 50001, "Your name is: %s and you are %i years old", &Args) //will result in: Your name is: Tom and you are 30 years old
        case 2: //add a warning message
                Args.i[0] = value;
                Args.i[1] = valueExceed;
                BRSE_ARL_Warning(1, 50002, "You have exceeded value %i by %i units", &Args); // will result in:You have exceeded value 100 by 12 units
        case 3: // add a fatal message
                Args.r[0] = tempSet;
                Args.r[1] = tempMax;
                Args.b[0] = cooling;
                BRSE_ARL_Fatal(1, 50003, "PLC fatal error. temperature is: %r, and cooling is %b, max temp is %r", &Args); // will result in:PLC fatal error. temperature is: 77.3, and cooling is TRUE, max temp is 55
    cmdState = 0;

    // put out the messages into the logbook

The above code will result in the following:
