TCPComm Library

The TCPComm library is a wrapper for the AsTCP library provided by B&R. This library both manages and simplifies the TCP communication interface.

TCPComm Data Structures and Enums

Mode Enums

  • TCPCOMM_MODE_SERVER - Set CPU as the TCP communication server.
  • TCPCOMM_MODE_CLIENT - Set CPU as the TCP communication client.

State Enums

  • TCPCOMM_ST_CLOSED - TCP state after a connection has been successfully closed.
  • TCPCOMM_ST_OPENING - TCP state while connection is being established.
  • TCPCOMM_ST_IOCTL - TCP state that changes or retrieves settings.
  • TCPCOMM_ST_LISTEN - TCP state while connection is established and idle.
  • TCPCOMM_ST_CLOSING - TCP State while connection is being closed.
  • TCPCOMM_ST_ERROR - TCP state when an error has occurred.

Send State Enums

  • TCPCOMM_SEND_ST_IDLE - TCP send state while connection is not actively sending.
  • TCPCOMM_SEND_ST_SEND - TCP send state while connection is actively sending.

Receive State Enums

  • TCPCOMM_RECV_ST_READ - TCP read state.


This structure is used to establish and monitor a TCP connection.


  • Enable - Boolean that enables the TCP connection.
  • AcknowledgeConnection - Boolean that commands the function to initiate a connection.
  • AcknowledgeError - Boolean that clears a non persistent error.


  • Mode - Enum that determines whether the CPU will be a TCP client or server.
  • LocalIPAddress - IP Address of the CPU.
  • LocalPort - Port of the CPU.
  • RemoteIPAddress - IP Address of device intended to connect to CPU.
  • RemotePort - Port of device intended to connect to CPU.
  • SendBufferSize - Maximum length of data in bytes (length of the data buffer specified).
  • UseSSL - Boolean used to signify an SSL connection is required.
  • SSLCertificate - Storage for required SSL certificate information.


  • NewConnectionAvailable -
  • Connection - data associated with current connection
    • IPAddress - IP Address of connected device.
    • Port - Port of connected device.
    • Ident - Socket ident.
    • UID - Unique identifier for the connection. 0 implies the connection is not valid.
  • Error - Boolean used to signify a error has occurred.
  • ErrorID - Error ID associated with the error that has occurred.
  • ErrorString - Error string to inform the user about the error that has occurred.


//Set the IP Address and port of server 
TCPServer.IN.CFG.RemoteIPAddress:=	'';
TCPServer.IN.CFG.RemotePort:=		8000;

//Set CPU's Ip Address and port
TCPServer.IN.CFG.LocalIPAddress:=	'';
TCPServer.IN.CFG.LocalPort:=		8001;

//Set the mode to be either Client or Server
TCPServer.IN.CMD.Enable:=    		1;

Cyclic Operation

//cyclically called function

//Acknowledge a new connection
IF( TCPServer.OUT.NewConnectionAvailable)THEN
    TCPServer.IN.CMD.AcknowledgeConnection:=	1;


This structure is used to send and receive data via TCP communication.


  • Receive - Command for receiving a new TCP packet.
  • Send - Command for sending a new TCP Packet
  • Close - Command to close the current connection.
  • AcknowledgeData - Command to acknowledge new data has been received.
  • AcknowledgeError - Command to acknowledge an error has occurred.


  • Connection - data associated with current connection
    • IPAddress - IP Address of connected device.
    • Port - Port of connected device.
    • Ident - Socket ident.
  • pReceiveData - Pointer to string containing received TCP packet.
  • MaxReceiveLength - Maximum length of data in bytes (length of the data buffer specified).
  • ReceiveFlags - Flag parameter associated with receiving a TCP packet. See Automation Studio TCPRecv() for list of flags.
  • AllowContinuosReceive - Boolean that allows for continuously receiving TCP packets.
  • pSendData - Pointer to string containing TCP packet being sent.
  • SendLength - Length of the SendData string.
  • SendFlags - Flag parameter associated with sending a TCP packet. See Automation Studio TCPSend() for list of flags.
  • AllowContinuosSend - Boolean that allows for continuously sending TCP packets.


  • Connection - data associated with current connection
    • IPAddress - IP Address of connected device.
    • Port - Port of connected device.
    • Ident - Socket ident.
  • Active - Boolean signifying an active connection.
  • Receiving - Boolean signifying a TCP received packet is being processed.
  • DataReceived - Boolean signifying a TCP received packet is has been processed.
  • ReceivedDataLength - Length of the TCP packet last received.
  • Sending - Boolean signifying a TCP packet is currently being sent.
  • DataSent - Boolean signifying A TCP packet was successfully sent.
  • SentDataLength - Length of the most recently sent TCP packet.
  • Error - Boolean used to signify a error has occurred while sending or receiving TCP packets.
  • ErrorID - Error ID associated with the error that has occurred.
  • ErrorString - Error string to inform the user about the error that has occurred.


//set the send data string to avoid sending garbage
sendData:= 'Hello Server';

Cyclic Operation

//When a new connection is available set the pointers for the send and receive strings and set the commands high 
IF( TCPServer.OUT.NewConnectionAvailable )THEN
    TCPServer.IN.CMD.AcknowledgeConnection:=	1;
    TCPDataManager.IN.PAR.Connection:=			TCPServer.OUT.Connection;
    TCPDataManager.IN.PAR.pSendData:=			ADR(sendData);
    TCPDataManager.IN.PAR.pReceiveData:=		ADR(recvData);
    TCPDataManager.IN.PAR.MaxReceiveLength:=	SIZEOF(recvData);
    TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Receive:=				TRUE;
    TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Send:=				TRUE;

//Acknowledge new connection and cyclically check for received data
TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.AcknowledgeData:= 1;

//When ot sending recalculate the length of the data to be sent.
IF( NOT TCPDataManager.OUT.Sending ) THEN
    TCPDataManager.IN.PAR.SendLength:=	brsstrlen(ADR(sendData));

//Function that performs the TCP sending functionality when the send command is high

//Clean up commands for next cycle
TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Send:= 			0;
TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Close:= 			0;


Disconnect handling

// Handle a disconnect error
if (TCPDataManager.OUT.ErrorID == tcpERR_NOT_CONNECTED) {
  TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Send = 0;
  TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Receive = 0;
  TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Close = 1;
  TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.AcknowledgeError = 1;

Note: In TCP an empty packet is also a disconnect packet

if (TCPDataManager.OUT.DataReceived) {
  if (TCPDataManager.OUT.ReceivedDataLength == 0) {
    TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Send = 0;
    TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Receive = 0;
    TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Close = 1;

Handling config changes

  // Handle user changes in Configuration.Connection
	IF brsmemcmp(ADR(TCPClient.IN.CFG),ADR(Configuration.Connection),SIZEOF(Configuration.Connection)) <> 0 THEN
		TCPClient.IN.CFG:=	Configuration.Connection;
		TCPClient.IN.CMD.Enable:= FALSE; // Client (or server) needs to restart to accept configuration

Keep alive

// Temp variable 
sending := TCPDataManager.OUT.Sending OR TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Send; // Is data being sent or about to be sent

Ping.IN:= connected AND NOT sending AND NOT Ping.Q; 	
Ping.PT:= Configuration.Ping;
Ping(); // Ping TON

IF Ping.Q AND Configuration.Ping > 0 THEN
  FormattedData := 'ok?'; // Ping message
  TCPDataManager.IN.PAR.SendLength := 3; // Ping message len (strlen('ok?') == 3)
  TCPDataManager.IN.CMD.Send := TRUE;
  TCPDataManager.IN.PAR.pSendData := ADR(FormattedData);


  • 50002 - TCPCOMM_ERR_